Monday, 3 December 2012

Comparison between manual and electronic government

Benefits to the citizens

Benefits to Businesses
E-government should use technology to enhance the access to and delivery of government services to benefit business partners and employees. The main focus should be on;
- The use of information and communication technologies in all facets of the operations of a government organization.
-The continuous optimization of service delivery, constituency participation and governance by transforming internal and external relationships through technology, the internet and new media.
Like for example; take Trade clearance as a business need; Manually it will take around 3 working days to clear maybe 3-20 documents and With e-government  less than one day hence 25% productivity increase.
E-governance is understood to extend the scope by including citizen engagement and participation in governance. As such, following in line with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development definition of e-government, e-governance can be defined as the use of ICTs as a tool to achieve better governance.

1 comment:

  1. Don’t know much about manual and electronic forms of government. I am sure it’s about how govt. departments practice trade with manual and/or automatic means
